Trinkets are a kind of passive item that were introduced in the expansion The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb for the original The Binding of Isaac game, as well as The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and the remake's DLCs Afterbirth, Afterbirth† and Repentance.
They provide passive bonuses, but only one can be held one at a time. The collectible item Mom's Purse allows two trinkets to be kept at once, but not two of the same trinket. The held trinket is displayed in a slot in the upper left portion of the screen.
Trinkets can be found[]
- After completing a room
- In Chests and Golden Chests
- Fortune Telling Machines
- In the Super Secret Room
- Dropped when the Box is picked up.
- Dropped from a blown-up Slot Machine
- Re-rolled from another pickup with the D20
- Dropped by killed Beggars
- Dropped by the Bum Friend
- After defeating Mom (Polaroid, provided it is unlocked)
- Dropped by Ultra Pride (The Left Hand)
- In Golden Poop. (Counterfeit Penny, provided it is unlocked)
Once a trinket drops, it can drop again, but has a very low chance and the trinket dropped will appear reversed (except Mom will still drop the Polaroid at 100% even if you already have it). If all trinkets have dropped, Tarot Cards will start dropping in their place.
List of Trinkets[]
Name & Image | Effect | Info |
???'s Soul |
Gives you a Familiar that looks like Brother Bobby and floats slowly around the room on a pattern similar to The Peeper, shooting long-range spectral homing tears that have high Shot Speed. If you have other familiars, they will follow ???'s Soul instead of Isaac. This does not include Orbitals, Blue Flies, or stage 3/4 Meat Boy and the body created by The Pinking Shears. |
This item is meant to be unlocked by completing The Chest with ???. However, due to a bug it is instead unlocked by completing The Chest with Eve. |
Ace Of Spades | Increases the chance of Tarot Cards or Suit Cards dropping after clearing a room, and the chance of finding Cards when opening a Chest. |
Chance of finding a Card when clearing a room is increased by 10%. Chance of finding a Card when opening a Chest is increased by 66%. |
Bloody Penny | Gives a 50% chance to drop a Half Heart when money is collected. |
Unlocked by completing Cathedral with Samson. Hearts dropped through the use of this trinket will always be Half Hearts, and are not affected by items such as Mitre or being spawned in special rooms such as Cathedral Super Secret Rooms. Effective trinket for Blood Donation Machine use, as the money dropped by the machine will often create a Half Heart, effectively making that use "free". This is even more pronounced with the IV Bag, since it is possible to create as many as four coin drops per Half Heart spent via the item. |
Burnt Penny | Gives a 50% chance to drop a bomb when money is collected. |
Unlocked by completing the Large Marge challenge. Bombs dropped through the use of this trinket will always be single Bomb pickups. |
Cain's Eye | When starting a floor, 25% chance to get the The Compass effect for the duration of a floor. | Unlocked by completing The Chest with Cain. |
Cancer | Decreases Tears Delay by 2. | The effective fire rate increase varies depending on Isaac's current Tears stat. The higher the Tears stat, the higher the percentage increase in fire rate from Cancer. See the Tears section on the stats page for detailed calculation. |
Child's Heart | Increases the chance of a Heart dropping after clearing a room, and the chance of finding a Heart when opening a Chest. |
Chance of finding a Heart when clearing a room is increased by 10%. Chance of finding a Heart when opening a Chest is increased by 66%. Hearts dropped due to this trinket are treated as normal heart drops: they have a small chance to appear as Soul Hearts or Eternal Hearts. Items such as Mitre or Mom's Pearl will affect this chance. |
Counterfeit Penny | Gives a 50% chance of increasing the value of every coin pickup by one. Can only be found in Golden Poop. | Unlocked by completing the Isaac Was Good Today challenge |
Cursed Skull |
If Isaac has less than one full Red Heart after taking damage, he will be immediately teleported to the last cleared room he was in. |
The Cursed Skull only counts Red Hearts, and does not count Soul Hearts or Eternal Hearts. Even if the triggering damage is absorbed by a Soul Heart or Eternal Heart, Isaac will still be teleported if he has half a Red Heart or less. Due to the above, ??? will be teleported any time he takes damage while holding this trinket, as will any character who has reduced their heart count to zero via other means. Synergies: + Scapular = Partial immortality, a 1 heart hit could still kill you. + Scapular + Wafer = Complete immortality. |
Curved Horn |
Increases Effective Damage by 2. |
Unlocked by completing The Cathedral with Judas Rather than increasing the Damage stat, the Curved Horn increases the Effective Damage of Isaac's tears. Because the Damage stat increases Effective Damage by smaller and smaller amounts with each increase, this makes the trinket considerably more valuable at higher levels of the Damage stat. See Damage on the stats pages for a detailed calculation. |
Eve's Bird Foot |
5% chance to spawn a Dead Bird familiar for the current room each time an enemy dies. |
This item is meant to be unlocked by completing The Chest with Eve. However, due to a bug it is instead unlocked by completing The Chest with ???. |
Flat Penny | Gives a 50% chance of spawning a Key upon collecting a penny. | Keys dropped through use of this trinket are treated as normal Key drops, and have a small chance of being replaced by a Golden Key.
Works also with coins dropped by the player itself after being attacked by Keepers, Hangers or Greed. |
Fish Head | Attack flies spawn every time Isaac gets hit. | Unlocked by completing the Lord of the Flies challenge |
Game Squid | 10% chance to fire a tear that slows enemies down. | |
Goat Hoof |
Increases speed by 0.15. Can exceed normal upper bound on speed. |
Isaac's Head | Gives the player Isaac's severed head as a tear-firing familiar. Fires piercing tears. |
Unlocked by completing The Chest with Isaac. Tears fired by Isaac's head do the same amount of damage as those fired by Brother Bobby. |
Isaac's Fork |
Clearing rooms may heal Isaac by 1/2 of a heart (10% chance). |
Judas' Tongue | Items in the Devil Room only cost 1 heart. Soul heart trades still cost 3 Soul hearts. Only works if you have the trinket before revealing the Devil Room. | Unlocked by completing The Chest with Judas. |
The Left Hand |
Replaces all normal chests with Red Chests. Gold chests are affected as well. |
Unlocked by defeating Ultra Pride. |
Liberty Cap | 25% chance of giving Isaac a random passive effect from Mushrooms as well as its corresponding visual effect upon entering a room.
Bug v1.48: Can also randomly add The Compass effect. |
Possible mushrooms: Mini Mushroom, Odd Mushroom (Large), Odd Mushroom (Thin). When playing as ???, this Trinket will generate a spirit heart when you gain the health up effect from Odd Mushroom (large). This spirit heart does not disappear when you exit the room. This effect only applies once per playthrough. |
Lucky Toe |
Increases the chance to get a drop after clearing a room. Although the Luck stat also influences this, it does not actually increase the Luck stat. The increase in drop chance is applied before the effect of Guppy's Tail. |
Unlocked by Completing the 7 Years Bad Luck challenge. Increases the chance of a generic drop from clearing a room by roughly 10%, the same amount increased by the Lucky Foot item. If Isaac's Luck stat is not negative, this raises the chance of an item dropping from 86.6% to 96.3%. If Isaac also has the Lucky Foot and his Luck stat is not negative, the chance for a drop is only increased by 2% instead. This raises the chance of an item dropping to 98.3%. If Isaac has a negative Luck stat and the Lucky Toe with or without the Lucky Foot, there is a 100% chance that an item will drop after clearing a room. |
Maggy's Faith | Gives an eternal heart at the start of every floor. | Unlocked by completing The Chest with Magdalene. |
Match Stick | Increases the chance of Bombs dropping after clearing a room, and the chance of finding Bombs when opening a Chest. |
Chance of finding a Bomb when clearing a room is increased by 10% Chance of finding a Bomb when opening a Chest is increased by 66%. Bombs dropped due to this trinket are treated as normal Bomb drops, and can appear as single pickups, double pickups, or even Troll Bombs. |
A Missing Page |
5% chance to induce The Necronomicon's effect upon taking damage. |
Mom's Pearl |
Grants a secondary 10% chance of any non-specific Heart drop turning into a Soul Heart. |
The secondary chance triggers whenever a non-specific Heart drops which does not become an Eternal Heart or Soul Heart. It is applied after Eve's secondary 6.25% chance, but before Mitre's secondary 50% chance. By itself, Mom's Pearl raises the chance of a non-specific Heart dropping as a Soul Heart from 9.8% to 18.62%. Combined with Eve's bonus, the chance becomes 23.58%. Combined with Mitre, the chance is 58.31%. Combined with both Mitre and Eve's bonus for the highest possible bonus, the chance is raised to 60.79%. |
Pinky Eye | 10% chance to fire a poison tear. | There's a possibility to fire poisonous bombs with Dr. Fetus. |
The Polaroid |
If Isaac survives damage with less than one red heart, he will receive a shield similar to the Book Of Shadows for 5 seconds. This effect ignores other heart types and thus always works for ???. Holding The Polaroid while opening the big chest at the end of the Cathedral will allow you to continue to The Chest. |
Unlocked by completing Cathedral six times. You may use the same characters for all six completions. In 1.4 through 1.48 it is always dropped by Mom upon completion of The Depths 2. |
Push Pin | 10% chance to fire a spectral and piercing tear. | |
Red Patch | 20% chance to increase damage upon taking hit, as if Razor Blade was used. | Isaac loses his skin for the duration of the room. If Isaac has flight, loses body as well (visual effect similar to Transcendence). |
Rusted Key |
Improves the chance of Keys and Golden Chests dropping after clearing a room, and chance of finding a Key when opening a Chest.(see info) |
This item has no effect from v1.48 to v1.666. (Source - Reddit) Chance of finding a Key or a Golden Chest when clearing a room is increased by 5% for each. Chance of finding a Key when opening a Chest is increased by 66%. |
Safety Cap |
Improves the chance of Pills dropping after clearing a room, and chance of finding a Pill when opening a Chest. |
Chance of finding a Pill when clearing a room is increased by 10%. Chance of finding a Pill when opening a Chest is increased by 66%. |
Samson's Lock |
1/15 chance to increase damage by 0.5 for the current room each time an enemy dies. |
Unlocked by completing The Chest with Samson. Stacks with Bloody Lust, but chance to trigger is too low to be worthwhile. |
The Tick |
Drain 15% health of each enemy with more than Also restores one red heart of Isaac whenever he enters an uncleared boss room. The Tick is stuck into Isaac's head and cannot be swapped out for another trinket. |
Bosses like Larry Jr. / Fistula are made up of entities with less than 60 HP, so their HP are not leeched. Might be disadvantageous when playing with Eve, as Whore of Babylon will deactivate when entering boss room due to restored health. The player will be unable to access The Chest without the use of Mom's Purse, as the nature of this trinket makes it impossible to pick up The Polaroid. |
Umbilical Cord | When Isaac's health is brought to half a red heart, a Little Steve familiar spawns. | Applies only to the room in which Isaac took damage. If Isaac moves to another room without regaining more than a half heart of health, the spawned familiar will still disappear.
If you already have a Little Steve, Brother Bobby will spawn instead. |
- The secret pop-up for unlocking the Counterfeit Penny has "Counterfeit" misspelled as "Counterfit".
- When a trinket is picked up, it's image is flipped horizontally. This means that once The Left Hand is picked up, it appears as a right hand in the equip slot
- The Left Hand is a reference to Edmund McMillen being left-handed and that he has a tattoo of a cutting line on his left wrist.